International Workers League – Fourth International (IWL-FI/LIT-CI) International Secretariat has issued on February 9th, 2010 a declaration named “To the Turkish Workers and Working Class Organizations” claiming that the reasons that the components of the International Liaison Committee [Internationalist Fight of Spain (IF) and Workers Front of Turkey (WF)] have stated in their Foundation Declaration ( on why they are out of the IWL-FI are false and “contrary to their claims they are out of IWL-FI not because of political reasons but for serious moral problems they have caused”. As there are accusations of moral against IF and WF, it is now obligatory to respond to the International Secretariat of the IWL-FI.
With respect to WF, the IWL-FI states that “the Turkish Workers’ Front, has begun to be published by our sector in this country.” This isn’t correct. FO has a tradition of more than 30 years in Turkey. It was built in 1979 by the historic leadership which today is organized around the current newspaper Workers’ Front which published its first issue in February 1980, a few months before the dictatorship of 12th of September. The same current after the dictatorship undertook the construction of Morenism in Turkey, building the International Bulletin group (IB-under the name of the time) that became the Turkish section of the IWL-FI in 1995.
The political differences of IB with IWL-FI’s current leadership have started in the early 2000’s. IB has criticized the “re-colonization” thesis of IWL-FI leadership which declared all Latin American countries as colonies (later widening it to all the semi colonial and dependent countries) and has also disapproved the methods of the leadership in its treatment various sections (IF of Spain, POS of Mexico). After a while the historical leader of Workers Front (and later of IB) who was active at that time in PRT of Spain, criticized IWL-FI’s Islamic movement analysis which got as far as inviting revolutionary Marxists of Pakistan to ally with Taliban movement in Afghanistan; these critics were shared by the IB leadership.
However, instead of discussing these points with IB, IWL-FI leadership, made use of a movementist “civil society” current that caused a division inside the IB up to its practical dissolution, to exclude the sector that objected the most important positions of the IWL-FI. This is precisely for this reason that we think the actual IWL-FI leadership has undergone a bureaucratic deformation. The result of this deformation in Turkey is obvious: The section which was announced “oficial” has been destroyed, breaking then again and remaining practically liquidated today. On the contrary, the fraction excluded from IWL-FI has constructed the actual Workers’ Front, has carried out two successful mergers in 5 years and has achieved the capacity to intervene in today’s class struggle.
On the other hand, today’s WF, against the claims of International Secretariat, after being excluded from IWL-FI, has never claimed being a section of the IWL-FI, neither has such pretension today. All its effort for over 30 years of its political struggle has been the reconstruction of the IV. International and the construction of an internationalist revolutionary workers party in its country. During all these years, it has never had a spot on its flag and today keeps on struggling with the same confidence and determination.
Internationalist Fight (Lucha Internacionalista-LI) was the sympathizing organization of IWL-FI until the 9th World Congress in 2008. With the emergence of political differences with the official Spanish section PRT and the actual IWL-FI leadership (world revolutionary situation, “re-colonization” thesis, analysis of Islamic movements, etc.), IF has called for an international tendency. This call, based on four basic documents which were presented in the earlier months, was published about a month before the beginning of the congress, on July 9th 2010. Exclusion due to “moral problems” never came up until this date.
IF’s call for tendency triggered the events. Instead of answering politically to the documents, the reaction was to displace the polemic to the moral issue. On July 17th (only 9 days before the World Congress) we received a letter signed by IWL-FI International Secretariat and the Spanish section. In this letter we were accused of organizing a series of blaming, fraud and so-called slender campaigns. Even more unbelievable than these, in the letter in question, the Control Commission was also warned for not showing the necessary clarity and promptness to our request for re-evaluation of a controversial case of a IWL-FI Spanish section militant 13 years ago. Thus, with the pressure from IWL-FI leadership the discussion was interrupted by moral issues and a hasty decision was prepared for us. We are ready to present all the related documents to organizations who sincerely like to learn the truth. Yet, it must be known that we have no intention of going into the international blaming campaigns that have surrounded the revolutionary left movements. We believe that discussion of political headlines and the problems regarding the internal mechanisms of revolutionary organisms is a healthier approach. Having this point of view, we had sent the documents regarding our stand to IWL-FI International Secretariat, to all the sections and militants.
As IF and WF we have full faith in working class and class struggle. In this struggle we have not forgotten for a second the vital importance of the International. Therefore, as we have signed and clearly mentioned in the Foundation Declaration of the International Liaison Committee, our goal is not to destroy the IWL-FI or its sections. We argue that, IWL-FI and its sections need to go through a political and methodological renewal to succeed in the re-construction of IV. International, because in spite of the actual bureaucratization process (the exclusion of IF from IWL-FI and the split in the Turkish section are some examples), the construction methods of the International and its sections, and the important political differences, we continue to consider the IWL-FI as an organization with an important number of revolutionary militants and sections.
International Liaison Committee, October 25th 2010
Workers Front & Internationalist Fight
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