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ABOUT US / “Nisan” (April) is a monthly Trotskyist publication. Our aim is socialist revolution, abolition of capitalism and building of socialism. We support workers’ and students’ mobilizations, and fight to extender workers’ democracy. Against any type of dictatorial and repressive regime of the dominating classes we support the right of national self-determination. Our struggle is on international scale and we take part in the reconstruction of IV. International as a world party of the working class. CONTACT US / gazetenisan@gazetenisan.net

The Left in Today’s Turkey

Interview with our writer Atakan Çiftçi published by the Persian political left magazine Aasoo, in January 2022. This is the English translation of the interview. 1. The co-joined

Labor Alliance and the socialists

How will the wreck created by the governing People’s Alliance be removed? If the People’s Alliance loses the elections, will it hand over power peacefully? If the Nation Alliance comes to

On Tripoli and its uprising

Tripoli is the second most important city in Lebanon in terms of its population as well as its economic and administrative weight, so it is known as “the second capital” of Lebanon. The

The rotting of the palace regime

It has been nearly a month since Erdogan announced that they “initiate a new era of economic and legal reforms.” This statement was made in the immediate aftermath of the dismissal of the

All support to the Chilean people!

Thousands of young people, workers and popular sectors took to the streets in Santiago and in all the cities of the country to repudiate the actions of President Piñera and the military.